St. Peter's Church

Whether you are newly arrived into the village, staying for a few days, passing through or just visiting, the Swallowcliffe Parochial Church Council (PCC) would like to welcome you to the village and especially to Saint Peter’s Church.

We are blessed by having a very pretty church which was built in 1842-1843 in the then fashionable Romanesque style by Scott and Moffat. Its primary significance is as one of George Gilbert Scott's earliest churches.  It replaced the original Norman church which had fallen into disrepair and was located in ‘the old churchyard’ close to the Royal Oak Inn. The present church comprises an aisled nave with Romanesque arches, a chancel lit by three round headed windows, a vestry and a baptistery at the west end. The church is entered through a porch which forms the bottom stage of the tower and contains monuments from the earlier church. The tower has a large intermediate chamber, a bell chamber housing a peal of three bells and a conical spirelet at the top. The church contains seven stained-glass windows, two fonts from the old church, an effigy of Sir Thomas West (1297 to 1343), a 13th  century coffin lid, a significant brass-less stone slab depicting an Abbess holding a crozier over her right shoulder (possibly the Abbess of Shaftesbury), three bells (1632, 1846. 1881) and a Victorian organ dated 1850.

The church is surrounded by an attractive churchyard with several old yew trees, a significant Cedar tree and a WW1 Commonwealth Wargrave. The church is open daily and forms a quiet place of reflection and prayer for the whole village, regardless of your denomination.

Saint Peter’s Church lies within the Church of England Nadder Valley Benefice. The church forms an important part of the village community and mission and holds four services a month - 11:15am Parish Communion; 6:00pm Evensong; 8:00am Holy Communion; 11.15am Layled Matins. In addition, we have an annual candlelit Christmas Carol service and Midnight Mass, a Plough service, Harvest Festival and Rogation Sunday walk around the village. The Church is also popular for weddings and baptisms and has provided the resting place for many members of the village. It also provides an excellent venue for concerts, choral events and meetings.

Come and join us for our services or just visit and enjoy the peaceful surroundings of our church. We always want volunteers to help maintain and clean the church, arrange flowers, help in our community fundraising events (bi-annual village fete; quiz nights, open garden days and BBQs) and lead the monthly layled service of Matins. If you want any further information please do not hesitate to contact Members of the PCC, introduced below:


      Rex Stephenson: Lay Vice-Chairman. Internal Fabric and Finance. 01747 870519

      Janet Fenton: Fabric Services and Internal Fabric.  01747 871616

      Patrick Willis: External Fabric and Finance. 01747 871343

      Nigel Cooke: External Fabric. 01747 873005

      Jane Berridge: The PCC Secretary and Treasurer.  07818 351615


We hope you will join us and we look forward to seeing you.

Best wishes from all Members of the Swallowcliffe PCC