Local Communications
Swallowcliffe has several communications channels including two Facebook pages, a WhatsApp group, an Email List, and publishes a printed newsletter, "The Swallowcliffe", approximately biannually, the latest can be found here.
Keeping in touch these days has never been more important. Hopefully, you will find these useful:
Swallowcliffe Parish Council Website: www.swallowcliffeparishcouncil.org.uk which covers information relating to Parish Council matters, Wiltshire Council matters and local events.
Once a year an Annual Parish Meeting is held where the Parish Council and other village organisations & individuals share their activities and gather feedback. Recent topics have included St Peters Church, Royal Oak, Almshouses, and Parish Council. The Parish Council normally organise these meetings but they can be called by residents. The recent meeting minutes can be found on the "Annual Parish Meeting" page along with previous minutes from earlier years.
Wiltshire Council: The "My Wiltshire" app and website www.wiltshire.gov.uk/mywilts-online-reporting should be used for reporting issues directly to Wiltshire Council.
There are two Facebook sites:
Swallowcliffe Community Notice board for general village information, events, etc. www.facebook.com/Swallowcliffe. Please "Like" to get notifications.
Swallowcliffe Community Help Group set up to support villagers during the COVID pandemic. It is a closed/members only group and is not intended to be used for commercial purposes/advertising : www.facebook.com/groups/swallowcliffehelpgroup
You might also find Tisbury’s Facebook page ‘What’s going on in Tisbury and Nearby villages’ useful
WhatsApp: Swallowcliffe Community Support group. It is a closed/members only group and is not intended to be used for commercial purposes/advertising. To join please send your mobile number to Susie Blundell on M:07957387652.
Village Email list sent out on an ad hoc basis, principally for information on upcoming events. To join please email Caroline Willis on E:crwillis52@gmail.com
Church Email List: for information on church services, and to join the Church email list. contact Rex Stephenson on T: 01747870519 & E:rexstephenson@btinternet.com or Janet Fenton on E:janet.fenton123@gmail.com
Nextdoor: A number of residents are signed up with Nextdoor which also covers neighbouring Parishes of Tisbury, Ansty & Sutton Mandeville. To join go to https://nextdoor.co.uk/news_feed/
There are two Noticeboards one near the Royal Oak at the centre of the village and a second in the West End.
Post Boxes are near the Royal Oak, West End, and the Old Post Office.
Local Newspapers/Newsletters.
"The Swallowcliffe" is the villages approximately bi-annually newsletter. Click here for the latest issue. If you have any interesting articles for publication please send them to E::Swallowcliffe.News@gmail.com .
Wiltshire Council has an array of newsletters that you can sign up to here where you choose the topics and areas that are of interest to you, in particular.
"FOCUS" is the monthly Parish Magazine for the Tisbury Area, has lots of information about local activities events and local suppliers. It can be purchased from local shops, Post Office and Ansty PYO or from Steve Whittingham on E::steve170259@yahoo.co.uk
"Salisbury Journal" is a local weekly newspaper for Salisbury and South Wiltshire. Printed copies can be bought at your local newsagent, supermarket or petrol station. You can also view articles on-line at www.salisburyjournal.co.uk
"Blackmore Vale" is a free weekly publication mainly advertising available in various shops in the area.
"Valley News" a free monthly newspaper available in various shops in the area.